He Changed Me
He Changed Me is a series of animated testimonies which tell the true stories of people who have been changed by Jesus. This 12-episode series was developed for a ministry called PALM (Preparing Arab World Leaders for Ministry) to accompany a curriculum they use called Progressing Together. This course serves to disciple and train new believers, to encourage them to live out their faith despite persecution from family and friends, and even to become leaders in the church.
It was a fun challenge to lead the art direction for this series. After developing a visual style, I worked on sketching storyboards, illustrating scenes, creating animatics, and coordinating with our contracted illustrator and animator to bring the project to completion!
You can find out more about this project and watch all the animations at twrmotion.org/discipleship.
“We believe that course videos will make our material more engaging and ultimately lead to making disciples.”
— Eric, Director of PALM

Director: Candace Mackie
Art Director: Kayla Schlipf
Illustrators: Mary Haasdyk, Kayla Schlipf, Hannah McGurk
Animators: Isaac H., Kayla Schlipf
Created for TWR © 2022