TWR MOTION: A Short Story
This video uses the story of two guys, Youssef and Josh, to convey the vision and mission of TWR MOTION. It was a fun first attempt at stop motion animation, and makes me so thankful to work with a team of people who aren’t afraid to try new things! I was handed a script and some music, and was given free rein to design the visuals. After storyboarding, character designing, and lots of planning, I rounded up some scrapbook paper and got to work cutting out little sets and characters with an X-Acto knife.
Thanks to DragonFrame and a wonderful Technical Director, our studio was set up with all the lighting, camera equipment, and software we needed. 1,850 photos and a lot of patience later, we had the foundation of our animation. It is truly a miracle that we didn’t lose any of those tiny pupils or eyebrows in the process...

Director: Candace Mackie
Editor: Candace Mackie
Art Director: Kayla Schlipf
Animator: Kayla Schlipf
Technical Director: Tyler Church
Writers: Candace Mackie, Rachel Mehlhaff
Narrator: KariAnne Frazer
Sound Effects: Candace Mackie, KariAnne Frazer, Andrew Haas, Tyler Church
Created for TWR © 2018